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Applying to jobs without having rotation in the specialty

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Hello all,


I'm a second year PA student and will be graduating in December. I really enjoy the OR and am looking into surgical jobs. I have some interest in ortho and as I look at job listings I see a lot of ortho positions and a lot seem open to training new grads. I have shadowed in ortho surgery but did not have a rotation in it (we only had one elective and I chose CT surg), so I was wondering if a rotation in the specialty, especially something like ortho is usually required to be considered or hired.


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Ortho practices definitely had the most plentiful positions that were open to new grads in my neck of the woods, so I applied to a few without doing a rotation in ortho surg. I got interviews for two of them. During the phone interviews they didn't seem to care much about the lack of an ortho surg rotation . I didn't do in-person interviews since I was offered a position I infinitely preferred to ortho surg, so I can't say if an ortho surg rotation would have made a difference in the final stages.  

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