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Application Cycle 2015-2016

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Hello everyone,


I am making this topic (obviously) for 2015-2016 application cycle.  Has anyone set up an interview and already interviewed with KC yet? I have my interview set up for October 22nd! If anyone has already interviewed, have you heard back yet? I heard they are very quick in turning around decisions (I heard might only take two weeks).


Also if you have interviewed, do you have any tips or tricks of what to expect in the interview?


Best of luck,




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They started interviewing Sept 14th and I interviewed that day. They emailed my acceptance the next day! However I do know that someone from my interview group still hasn't heard back. So I think that if you get in they let you know pretty quick.


Good luck! Just be yourself and you'll be fine! 

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 First of all- CONGRATS! That's awesome!


Secondonly- Can you give any idea of what to expect the interview entails of?  I have had friends go through 2-3 years ago and they said they took them into a room with two other applicants and had to basically debate which of the three should get in and had to come to a consensus by the end of the time, but my friend told me she believes they changed that.  Any tips would be very helpful! Also can you potentially give me an idea of what your GPA was? Just trying to see where I am standing!




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According to my CASPA I submitted my application to KC on September 26th and I was contacted via phone call on October 1st to set up an interview.  So they are pretty quick in turning around the application it appears.  If I had to guess I would say a week or two is potentially the expected time to hear back.  However, that is just a guess and by no means a definite answer.  You might be better off check from the application process between 2014-2015 and see how long they talk about in their posts.

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My timeline:

Caspa application submitted 8/5/15

Caspa application verified 8/19/15

Kettering emailed they received caspa app 8/19/15

Kettering called 9/4/15

Interview 9/14/15

accepted 9/15/15


The group exercise isn't bad. Don't sweat it. Like I said before, just be yourself and answer questions honestly.

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I submitted my application on the 26th to KC and received an email from KC stating they received my application on the 28th.  As to if you have a chance I can not give a for sure answer.  The application was due 10/01/2015, which entailed of payment to CASPA for submission fee to KC and 2 out of the 3 letters of reference I believe (if I remember correctly).  Without seeing your CASPA account it is difficult to for sure say if it was too late so in that case I would not give up hope!

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The interview was not bad at all. Interviewed on a Thursday, received an acceptance email on Monday. Received my official letter less than a week afterwards. I don't think they send the acceptance email at the same time though. One of students who interviewed at the same time as me got an email a few days after I received mine, so don't worry too much if you didn't get an acceptance email at the same time as someone else :)

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