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Organic Chemistry Without Lab?

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I have a B.S. in science but never took my Chemistry classes so am at my local community college finishing those. My local college offers an organic chemistry course without a lab *specifically* tailored towards pre-pa for MUSC. I plan on applying to most of my schools out of state along with MUSC.


My question is, would most programs take organic chemistry without a lab as the orgo pre-req? Thanks!

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Most of the schools I'm looking at the west coast only require one year of general chemistry.  There's only a few that require O-Chem, and those that do, require the lab.  I'm still in the pre-req phases; however, I have an Excel spread sheet with a list of all the schools I'm applying to side-by-side, and under each school are the courses I need to take.  Your best bet is probably looking at the schools you're looking to apply at and seeing what they require for admissions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took Ochem without the lab because of my course load. The lab course was only a pre-req at 3 of the 10 or so schools I applied to, and I figured if I got an interview at those programs in the fall, I could take the lab in the spring. I'm actually taking it now because I was able to get in a good section, but I definitely put it off because I hated Ochem. Other than a lot of general lab prep/reports, the lab isn't proving too difficult and I kind of wish I had taken it with the course, instead of after.



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