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Medical (mission) trip pointers

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I am trying to get some opinions on any good medical international service trips. I'm mainly interested in Christian mission trips but would really appreciate if anyone knows any good, legitimate programs. Thanks!
If you are looking for adventure beyond belief, I strongly suggest Himalayan Healthcare.. It is not a Christian organization, but wonderful people doing great work. I went a couple of years ago and took a PA student. I dream of going back, hopefully next year.
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VERY nice ventana! Thats definetly in my price range and with summer coming up itd be nice to go for a week and use whatever expertise i have. you may or may not know but a lot of the information listed was aimed at people with some kind of medical license or degree, i have an emt cert but no experience, do you think that matters?

ill have to email them for sure

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This will be my second trip with BMDMI. They have been going to Honduras and Nicaraqua for close to 40 years and are very connected in those countries. Their cost is $750 plus airfare plus whatever the team you are on requires. Each team is responsible to raise the money to accomplish whatever ministries they choose. Our cost this year is $2000 all inclusive. BMDMI, Baptist Medical Dental Mission International's motto is "More than Medicine". This is SO true, their emphasis in on evangelism and compassion ministries. They do medical, dental, vision, construction, vetinary, clothing, food, and children's ministries. BMDMI provides all transportation, 3 days room and board, and security. I am leading a team from my church that will meet up with a team from Alabama. A total of 62 people will be on this team! Check them out at www.bmdmi.org

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What kind of things do PAs do on mission trips?


Are there any that cover your expenses, or do all of them charge you for room board etc?


A. Practice Medicine

B. There are a few relief organizations that cover part of all of your expenses (out of donations to that organization). I've personally have found those spots few. Many Christian mission organizations encourage you to raise donations to cover your trip. The student, which I took to Nepal, had her entire trip paid for by a school grant. So there are grants like that if you can find the.

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