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Finding a moonlighting gig?

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For those of you working 40 hr/week and have found an extra job on the side for 1-2 shifts a month, any suggestions?  I have looked online, AAPA, local schools, etc.  Seems mostly urgent care centers offering this but some wanting you to commit to a shift a week.


Anyone have pointers?  I know a lot of residents find gigs like this and I am wondering how we can do the same?

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agree with Boat. you can often create a position if you do this. I sent a CV to the folks at a rural hospital and said " it seems with your weekend volumes you could use a PA on the weekends. I could do 1 weekend/mo. are you interested?". they hired me and several other folks. voila, weekends covered.

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Agree with the above. I currently work 2 jobs and have worked at several hospitals in the past as prn/LOCUMS. All of which were found by "cold calls" or from networking. I think you will be superised the interest generated by calling a hospital with the message that you can help with their staffing needs.

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Who i call (ed) depends on the hospital. I would typicaly call either the director of HR, the COO, or the CEO. Keep in mind im speaking of rural hospitals. As for clinics, most are associated with said hopital. Sometimes they would want me to see walk ins in the clinic when not busy in the ed or hospital.

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For those of you working 40 hr/week and have found an extra job on the side for 1-2 shifts a month, any suggestions?  I have looked online, AAPA, local schools, etc.  Seems mostly urgent care centers offering this but some wanting you to commit to a shift a week.


Anyone have pointers?  I know a lot of residents find gigs like this and I am wondering how we can do the same?


once you start working, the per diem gigs will fall out of the woodwork.


also, "moonlighter" refers usually to covering nights. if you don't want nights, make sure you are asking for per diem.


also, get on some job search engines, and set it so job updates will be emailed to you (doc cafe, indeed.com, etc).

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