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Australia's only PA program closes...

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Australia's PM stated that the doctors there already have enough competition and didn't want anymore. That's how the docs in rural IL felt, so they only went with NP. Now we see NPs becoming physician replacements. IOW, the docs shot themselves in the foot...but they'll never admit it!

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A shame too since they have a rural healthcare shortage.


Of course if they would simply open up residency spots for for foreigners who graduate from Australian Medical Schools that would go away. So perhaps they are thinking about that.


Exactly. Australia is unique in that they may actually become a net exporter of physicians in a few years once all of the new medical schools start graduating classes. If they ensure that all graduates get internships, they could see their doctor shortage disappear.

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Australia's PM stated that the doctors there already have enough competition and didn't want anymore. That's how the docs in rural IL felt, so they only went with NP. Now we see NPs becoming physician replacements. IOW, the docs shot themselves in the foot...but they'll never admit it!


I thought they Aussi M.D. Were in the same situation as us as far a primary care shortage hence the development of the PA program?!?!

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I thought they Aussi M.D. Were in the same situation as us as far a primary care shortage hence the development of the PA program?!?!


There is a rural GP shortage in Australia, but there are lots of GPs in the urban areas.


There will be further changes in the physician workforce in the coming years. In 2000, the first new medical school in Australia in 30 years opened and this has been followed by ANU, Griffith, Bond, University of Wollongong, and the University of Western Sydney, Deakin, Monash, along with others probably. Basically there have been many new medical schools open in the last decade and many of them are just putting out their first graduates or will be in the next few years.

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