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Just thought I'd share this

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Today, I started shadowing a PA and his SP. One of the first things the SP said to me when I met him was, "It's good to be a PA. They have a better life." The PA responded by saying, "Yeah, but we earn 1/4 of your salary." :ohnoes: Two unsatisfied health professionals working together. :sad:

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the "better life" is a myth only believed by docs and pa students.

most pa's I know work significantly more hrs/mo than the docs they work with including more nights/weekends/holidays/early am's.

the avg pa in my group is working 200 hrs this mo while the avg doc is working 120. docs make almost 400k/yr while pa's make much less.

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I think we're all a bunch of cynics, for the most part. I've yet to meet anyone in the medical field that thinks they have the best they COULD have it. The doc I work for complains about being an MD, stating he has so many school loans and overhead costs that he isn't making anything.... but, I'm sure some PAs would be willing to pay the extra in order to have his autonomy, too.

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IM doesn't make that kind of money but em does.

the docs in my group make 187/hr

at my per diem job they make 145/hr

look around at some em md job sites. there are offers for 250k+ all over the place as entry level with more at partnership.

look at this graph of base salary:


now add production bonuses, etc

and this one is 2 yrs old:


trust me, em docs make bank.

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