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  • 4 weeks later...

I started in nephrology. It was a great field. Very hard for a new grad but it can be done. It does require alot of standing. Do some research on how PA's are reimbursed for dialysis visits. AAPA has a great nephrology group you can tap into. I learned a ton! And I was very well respected by other docs in the community. You will also tap into transplant medicine and some ICU work. I liked how my days varied significantly from day to day. It will most likely involve some travel to other clinics up to 2 hours away and it may require you to see up to 90 dialysis patients a day- 30 per shift, 12 hour days... it sounds like alot but they are quick visits or "rounds" and with the help of a nurse it goes quickly. Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

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