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Micro-organisms vs. Microbiology Course Subject

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My application was just verified and I noticed the course subject for my microbiology lecture class was changed to "Micro-organisms" instead of "Microbiology". The lab class I took with this lecture course is still listed as "Microbio".  Does anyone know if this will affect my pre-reqs for schools that require microbio? And does anyone know the distinction between these two course subjects?  I'm not sure why this one was changed because the class subject on my transcripts is clearly Microbiology.



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Sounds like they made a mistake.  Here are the directions from the site:


The only time a course subject will be changed by CASPA is if this subject is incorrect based on the title and prefix. For example, if your course is titled “Inorganic Chemistry I” and it was incorrectly verified as “Organic Chemistry,” please send us an email at caspainfo@caspaonline.org with the subject line “Course Subject Correction” and we can have verification make this correction.


I sent them the email and also sent them a PM on Facebook to make sure they received it.  They changed it in one day, which I was very pleased with. 

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Thank you for bringing my attention to the subject.  They changed several subjects on my application--that ethics class I took had nothing to do with genetics, and the psychopathology course was psychology, not pathology.  Can't really say I'm surprised, though, considering that I received several emails from verifiers who could not spell or write complete sentences.

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I was wondering the exact same thing!  I asked CASPA if my application would be updated and if the schools who already received my apps would see that change.  This was CASPA's reply:
"To answer your question, yes, your app is updated in real time on the school's end. Since there was only about a day between your original verification and the correction, it is unlikely your schools have reviewed the original as of yet; typically I would advise an applicant who had a longer span between to contact the schools directly to notify them of the update. Although the schools are automatically notified, they get so many updates it is helpful to point it out to them if the change is significant."
So I didn't feel the need to bug schools about this change because mine was minor (incorrect grade on what was a placement exam and listing organic chem as inorganic chem).  If it's been a while since you were verified and if you feel like the change is significant then I guess you might want to contact your schools and let them know of the correction.  Good luck!

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