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MPH? dual degree?

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Just wanted to throw a question into the forum out of curiosity...

I was recently accepted into an MPH program that will be paid for by my employer (tuition benefits). I was planning to apply for the 2012 cycle but if I accept the MPH, I'll wait another year and apply for 2013 cycle.


So my main question is... is it worth delaying the PA applications for another year? I'm 25 yrs old so I'm itching to start my career.



1) Would having an MPH degree increase the chance of PA school acceptance? (assuming you have the HCEs, good grades, shadowing, etc)

2) Does having a dual degree (MPH/PA) make it easier to find a job?

3) Would it be possible to become a professor in the field after years of experience?


Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

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