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Tufts University PA program

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Based on the locked thread I made a bunch of phonecalls. This is what I came up with:


Tufts University will be starting to accept applications in the summer of 2012 for a class begining in 2013. This program will grant an MS. The curriculum is very early on in development. The gentleman I spoke with was actually very surprised I had even heard of it. No word yet on prereqs or CASPA as far as he knows. Tufts has a medical school and a DDM school as well, and have their own hospital (Tufts Medical Center, formerly New England Medical Center).


Tufts is well known for their transplant and pediatric medicine (i take my son there). Not so much for Emed, though there are plenty of great ER's in the area. They make great utilization of PA's in the hospital. One of my friends (also pre-pa) has several friends who work there in CardioThoracic Surgery and they love it. I'm sure the rotations would be great. Tufts is a busy hospital located right in Bostons Chinatown.


I hope this helps.



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He said they are literlally less than 6 months into exploring this avenue. I personally think it would be a great addition to the Boston educational landscape and would offer PA applicants an excellent opportunity for education based the reasons in my first post. Boston is one of the centers of medical education and research in the country and the fact that we only seat 60 or so PA cantidates a year is kindof sad. Boston has like 7 or 8 NP programs that I came name off the top of my head. There may be more. If I am not in a program by next summer you bet I'll be sending an application their way.



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And about getting the last word in, evidently. If it needs to be moved please by all means do so. I hope that since 3 days of google searches, pm's and phonecalls finally yielded some information that the previous thread had not, it will be of benefit to the membership. Thanks for your concern and your help. I appreciate it.

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