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PANCE pass rates

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So i asked about this on the previous thread and, a month and 300+ views later, no one seems to have any sort of opinion. So i decided to make a thread. :)


Looking at their pass rates for the past 5 years, they seem to have been around a 75% until last year when they had a ~95% pass rate. My question is how important is the first time pass rate and is anyone overly concerned with theirs being so low in comparison to other schools?


Also, did anyone else notice how they posted a graph instead of listing the numbers? It almost seemed like this was done to mislead potential applicants, or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?


I know that there are several other PA programs in the area with much higher pass rates, so what attracts applicants to this particular school? Also, is anyone concerned that, since their % increased by so much, focus may have been taken from learning material that will be useful in practice to now just passing the PANCE to be a more competitive program?

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Hi guys, i actually graduated from LIU last year. The reason the pass rate was low, was the 2008 or 2009 class, like half of them took the pance the first day they were eligible, giving them one week to study after graduation, and a boat load of them failed. It apparently was a huge disappointment to the administration. So, the 2010 graduating class was made to take 4 pacrats over the clinical year, required to pass in order to even graduate. they did the same for us, 2011. as far as I know, only 1 person from my lcass has failed. I took the boards 20 days after graduation, and with the help of my four pacrats (they give them to you), and 2 other boards prep books i got a pretty high score, in the 92nd percetile.

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