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How to find a job in familly practice in Oregon

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I am graduating from OHSU this August and an currently looking for my first job. Ideally it would be in the general Portland area, as my husband has a good job here. I have been told that these family practice usually found by word of mouth and networking. Not sure how to go about searching for a job. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Since you are an OHSU student, I assume you know about the online job board there. OSPA also has an online job board. Other worthwhile places to look are "advancedpracticejobs.com" and the usual Craigslist.


Oregon tends to favor NPs over PAs in primary care, but it's not impossible to find work. I work in specialty practice now and am quite happy there. In the past I have found jobs on Craigslist and the other thing I did was send out letters to every primary care practice I could find. Believe it or not, I wound up with a part time position this way.


Best of luck

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