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2011-2012 Application Cycle

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  • 3 months later...

Did you mean that the first batch of notifications to students that CASPA has been received has just been sent out by UNM?


What do you mean by a secondary? Do you mean the supplemental application?


I sent in my CASPA application for UNM but have not heard anything further from UNM yet.


Best of luck to you all! :)

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Did you mean that the first batch of notifications to students that CASPA has been received has just been sent out by UNM?


What do you mean by a secondary? Do you mean the supplemental application?


I sent in my CASPA application for UNM but have not heard anything further from UNM yet.


Best of luck to you all! :)

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Did you mean that the first batch of notifications to students that CASPA has been received has just been sent out by UNM?


What do you mean by a secondary? Do you mean the supplemental application?


I sent in my CASPA application for UNM but have not heard anything further from UNM yet.



Best of luck to you all! :)




I meant that my Caspa application was mailed out in the very first batch of application sent to schools. I just received an email from UNM and I was wondering if everyone just got that email and if anyone has received a secondary, or supplemental application which ever you want to call it, yet. Good luck to you as well!!

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Did you mean that the first batch of notifications to students that CASPA has been received has just been sent out by UNM?


What do you mean by a secondary? Do you mean the supplemental application?


I sent in my CASPA application for UNM but have not heard anything further from UNM yet.



Best of luck to you all! :)




I meant that my Caspa application was mailed out in the very first batch of application sent to schools. I just received an email from UNM and I was wondering if everyone just got that email and if anyone has received a secondary, or supplemental application which ever you want to call it, yet. Good luck to you as well!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got both! They didn't send me the supplemental right away, so I waited about a couple weeks and then emailed her and she sent it to me the same day (yesterday). If you still haven't gotten the supplemental and you meet all the criteria without any courses in-progress (in progress courses that are not required are fine), then email her and let her know! I was in the first or second batch, so you should have it by now if you met requirements! Good Luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was part of the first CASPA mailing in June, received an invitation for the Supplemental on the 29th of July and a confirmation that my application was being sent for review on August 9th with the following "Faculty will decide who gets an interview in September after all applications arrive. "

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Embalmer, so you basically waited a month and a half to receive your supplemental? I'm not sure they'll have that kind of time with us later applicants, if interviews will be assigned in September. Things are probably kicking into high gear now, if it hasn't happened already, so I would expect a supplemental soon Millo.

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It seemed like it took them a really long time to process the supplemental. I mailed it about 3 weeks before I heard anything. Also, for anyone who didn't receive it, but knows that they meet all of the required criteria without any in-progress courses, you should email her and ask her to send it... They never sent it to me, so I had to ask. You have 2 weeks to get it back to them and it costs $50 processing. Best of luck to all!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No word on interviews. From what my wife has gathered they're behind, or rather swamped, on account of the shear number of applications recieved. I'm really hoping for a call this week, but I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't for another couple of weeks. Hang in there, as soon as someone gets a call, I'm sure we'll hear about it here first.

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