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Please help me decide! Should I accept the seat starting the fall?

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I was wait-listed for the Fall 2011 Chatham program and received a call last week from Maureen accepting me into the program. I am extremely honored since this was my last shot in getting in to PA school this year, but I'm still deciding if I should accept the offer. I'm from Vancouver, WA (long way from home) and I am concerned with a few things such as cost ($85-$90k for tuition and books....really?), PBL curriculum, weather. etc. If you are a former or current student or have been accepted to the program, I would like to hear both good and bad aspects of the program/school/area. Thank you!

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Accept the offer and go get it done. I had a ADCOM member tell me once there are 10 people waiting in line behind you to get that offer. I would not turn it down at all, take it and make it work. It is hard enough to get into PA school as it is right now, declining a offer would not make sense at all. I am leaving my family in Ct and moving to NY to attend school, it is going to be test for sure. I applied to programs all over the country interviewed at four and I told my wife we go where the first offer comes in from and that is what we did, happens to be not as expensive as the others also, so it became a win-win for us. I think you need to do the research on the good and bad yourself and make the decision, remember it only lasts a couple of years and then you can go back to the rainy state of Washington.

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