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Lehigh Valley

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I may be crazy but... am I wrong to assume that as a Spanish speaking PA, that it should be easy to get a job somewhere in Allentown? I have had no luck with applications at St. Luke's, LVH, or at least 15 other private offices. I have only had two interviews at private practices and one place that seems they are about to make me an offer, but I wish I could get into one of the larger networks. New grad, but still... any thoughts?

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It has to do with job experience and as a new grad you don't have that. It goes to say that you can't get experience if you can't get a job and you can't get a job w/o experience. Even when they say "new grads encouraged to apply" they will take the one with experience in many cases. You may have to take a job out of your target area and then do your own networking in your area. Then you will have experience even if it is for just a few months. If they offer you the job in the private practice, take it, improve yourself as an applicant, then reapply...they will look at you in a different light.

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