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New Neonatal NICU residency at Geisinger

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I'm working towards my Pre-PA coursework while in my original career...but as a *very* Preemie parent, remember those big whiny people have had one of the most important things in their life go terribly wrong and it's their kid (which they go home without, sometimes for months) that you have! I certainly saw other parents who where whiny...but what was more annoying than them was the NICU staff that acted like our concerns and questions were 'whiny'.


Just sayin... :)

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Ver- actually, it's not the preemie parents I mind at all, in almost all cases they are appropriate, ask questions, want to be involved, etc. I really should rephrase that into "drug using parents" because those are the most manipulative yet uninvolved and annoying parents I deal with.


But mostly my point was that even in pediatrics you don't escape "dealing with whiny big people" because your patient in most cases is not only the child but their parents as well.

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