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2011-2012 Application Cycle

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Hey guys, I got my invitation today in the mail for an interview on 9/24. I heard that UTSW's interview is extremely nerve-wrecking so I'm going to start practicing now!! Good luck to everyone else!


Did you receive an email with a log-in prior to your invite, or did you get the mailed invite without any prior communication? Thanks and good luck!

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I received a letter via postal mail in addition to an email from PeopleSoftStudentSystem@utsouthwestern.edu thanking me for my application to UTSW. In addition to that, it stated that my application is currently being processed and that I will be receiving further communication that will provide me with log on information. No reason to worry or speculate just yet if you have not received any type of interview invite. Keep in mind that interviews go on in October, November, and December as well.

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For those of you who got interviews congrats! And also, when did you send in your caspa? And if you dont mind what was yall's gpa, science gpa, shadow hrs and medical experience. Just wanna know if i even have a chance!


If you are looking to apply for this application cycle, my best advice is to schedule an appointment to speak with a member of their admissions committee ASAP. For your meeting, bring up to date transcripts and a resume to the appointment. She will go over everything, tell you if you are a competitive applicant, and give additional advice. This is what I did back in February or March before I made my commitment to pursue this career.



Best Regards,


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I actually visited with her before I sent in my CASPA. Since your CASPA has already been sent, all you can do now is sit and wait pretty much.


I completely understand why you are curious to know the stats of others....but sometimes that can be disheartening. So try not to compare yourself to others. Believe in yourself and put your best foot forward. If you look at the applicant stats page, there are applicants with diverse backgrounds and GPAs ranging from low to high that have been accepted into PA programs. In fact, there are even those with high GPAs who still get rejected. Get my point?

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