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Manhattan or Bayshore?? Which would you choose??

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If you got accepted to both the Manhttan and Bayshore programs which would you choose and why??


Say that commuting to either school was not an issue so take that out of the equation.



One is 32 months the other 24 months. Obviously more tempting to go with the shorter program but perhaps there are some positive to the longer program?


Thanks in advance

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I think you should decide which you prefer..weigh out the pros and cons to each program..I don't know much about the Bayshore program, but I do know the Manhattan program offers classes at night (starts at 4pm)..and fridays and saturdays are off but class on Sunday from 9-5..I think the Bayshore has morning classes (not positive) .. so there is a difference there as well.. Also the amount of time spent as you said (32 vs 24 months) .. You could also look into the rotation sites..maybe there are certain areas you would prefer to do your rotations at that one school offers the other doesnt..also look into the PANCE pass rates...and I guess how you felt about the school when you went for your interview or to visit.. I am assuming you got accepted to both so Congrats!! And good luck with deciding, let us know which you choose! Hope that helps! =)

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I agree, you have to weigh the pros and cons of both. I go to the Manhattan campus, and you said that commute doesnt matter, but think of this: if you drive to Bayshore, you can listen to lectures in the car. If you take the train to Manhattan you can study.

But, aside from that is the class schedule. Manhattan classes are at night, typically 4-9 M-Thurs. and Sundays 9-5. Friday and Saturdays are off. Bayshore is I believe M-Thurs 9-5 and Friday am. That is why Bayshore is done in 24 months as opposed to Manhattan's 32 months. It depends on how long you feel you can sit in class in one day, if you want AM or PM, if you have to work or not, and if you have specific clinical sites you are interested in.

Check out both websites to compare. And congrats and good luck! PM me if you want to know more about Manhattan. :)

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Hey KacsSpock! I had an interview at Manhattan not too long ago! I am patiently waiting to hear back!! =) I only applied to Manhattan (as opposed to bayshore) but I'm really excited about the program! Since you are currently in the program, what do YOU like best about Manhattan?

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Hey Jak14,

What do I like best? Well, I like a lot of things about the program. I am a night person so having class later in the day and into the night really works for me. But I went with Manhattan because I really wanted to be able to still work at least one day a week. Plus, the part I hated is now a blessing- the commuting by train. At first I wasnt thrilled about it but now that is where I get my best studying done. So, I guess I have many things I like about it. :)

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Im glad your enjoying school! Do you live far from the campus? I really don't mind morning or night classes..Ive found that I can do either or.. im not exactly sure on where I would live yet only because im still waiting to hear back. Ill know much more by next month and will keep u updated! Thanks for your input and good luck with your classes! :)

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  • 11 months later...

hi, everybody:

My name is James, and i have the same issue about choosing between two programs since i got accepted to both. I live not too far away from the Manhattan program, but it's eight months longer than the one in the Bay Shore.


Manhattan program:


i can live at home

save money

have the rotation sites those i want to go

i am a city person



eight months longer


Bay Shore Program:


eight months shorter



need to find place to live

doesn't have rotation sites those i want to go

more condensed schedule load

potentially spend more time on cooking, cleaning, and everything else.


Could anyone give me some ideas please? I would be really appreciated!!!!!

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I had a similar decision to make. I chose Bayshore, 8 months shorter, and mostly daytime classes. Personally, I think it would be rough during weeks with lots of exams to study or work during the day, then have to go to night time class, wake up and repeat. I'd rather do class/exam early and then know how much time I have left throughout the night for the next exam or class, but hey thats just me, thought I'd weigh in. Also, if it were me I wouldn't worry too much about rotation sites. One of the questions I asked during my interview was about rotations and I was told that rotations are set up for you, if you have somewhere special you can try to request it as long as your in good academic standing but will probably have to set it up on your own which will be a big hassle especially with a big course load. I'd rather have the school set me up. From talking to recent PA grads finding a job is not an issue so rotating in a hospital where you want to work is definitely nice but not required, our main obstacle will be the fact that we're new PA grads with no experience. Again, just thought I'd weigh in bc I had a similar debate! see ya

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Hey all, I am currently wait-listed for Touro Manhattan. I would really like to attend this program as it is my first choice. Wink Wink to any one that is still deciding on which Touro program to attend :) On the other hand, congrads to to everyone that got accepted, as it is a very stressful process for all of us. Good luck to you all in the up and coming year. Hopefully if a seat opens up, I will be joining most of you depends were you all decide to go. Also James as Frank was saying you really have to weigh the pros and con's. I would of like to attend the Manhattan campus because, I like the schedule set up. I am a night person, and personally like to study during the days but attend class at night. Bayshore on the other hand is 24 months much shorter and great if you are the type of student that like to just plow right through it and get start. I live on long island, So in my case the issue you are experiencing with bayshore about moving out and living alone, Is the same issue I am looking at have I get off the wait-List. Personally

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