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IR PA - How often for raises

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Hey guys! I am a little over 1 yr as an IR PA in NC, transferring from surgery after several years. I work in private practice and practice almost completely autonomously. I love the pace, procedures, new skills. Question is are you guys seeing annual pay raises or production bonuses regularly? I always hate the "can I have a raise" talk, and wondering if the majority of you guys are seeing a routine annual increase. I never want to come off pushy or ungrateful in this tough economy (although the practice is hardlly hurting). Any input?



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I believe you'll usually at least have a small annual review meeting. Request your numbers (patients seen, money generated and such) and bring it up.



What are you basing this upon... ?


I ask because it seems that this PA-C with several yrs of practice experience as a surgical PA-C came specifically to the "Professional" PA- Specialties- Radiology - section for experiential input on what other IR/Radiology PAs were experiencing...

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What are you basing this upon... ?


I ask because it seems that this PA-C with several yrs of practice experience as a surgical PA-C came specifically to the "Professional" PA- Specialties- Radiology - section for experiential input on what other IR/Radiology PAs were experiencing...


Considering there is maybe 1 or 2 PAs with IR experience that post on these boards... Easy there tiger. The 1 PA that I knew that worked in IR had an annual review process (and made bank...).

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Easy there tiger. The 1 PA that I knew that worked in IR had an annual review process (and made bank...).


Its all good... YOU qualified YOUR response...


As someone else pointed out... I'm grumpy and come from a place where people with hot, smoking guns congregate to share life-support info with other people with guns. So it was deemed inappropriate and a potentially "banishable" offense for a member of that forum to respond to, or give advice about areas that person didn't personally have experience in. Unless of course the thread was in the lounge/recovery room... but this isn't that place... so I just need to chill... :wink:

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I have been here about 1.5 yrs. I do not interpret films (except a wet read for a cxr after a bedside line placement). I do about 1000 piccs/yr, 500 nontunneled central lines, 400 tunnled lines (dialysis and nondialysis), 400 paras/thoras, 50 port removals, 5-600 dialysis fistulagrams/declot accesses (rad is present if I angioplasty or need to mechanically thrombolyse), 150 kyphoplasty consults (I do the consults, the rads do the cases); I also get access/do IVC grams for IVC filter placement if I am available/


I replaced the 2 PAs that previously worked together - and it has been my favorite position since i graduated 7 yrs ago (2 surgery jobs previously). My base is 110k, plus weekend call - take call every 2nd or 3rd weekend at my discretion.


Thanks for your input.


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did 2 years in RAD


had to fight like mad to get a review and finally got one, after about 15 months but no raise

got a different job and made them match the new job (they did) but I left


Was obvious that they were only interested in working me skinny (course could use that now) and really did not give a darn about supporting me...... what do you mean you can't run 1.5 fluoro rooms, and two Dx rooms and do all the arthrograms, and the US guided Bx and do the prep work for all the CT cases......


Hard to get a small group of doctor centric rad's to seperate with "their" hard earned money....... even if I was earning it for them.....



realize that you are exposing yourself to high rads to do your job and should be on the VERY high end of compensation - personally I would expect a RAD PA to start at the 90k range, when up and running in 12-15 months be at the 110 range, and max out about 150k. Yeah sounds high, but when you are routinly dangling wires across peoples hearts, using all sort of super high tech equipement that only yourself and the US tech have any clue how to use or interpert, and the Renal docs, pulmonolgist, surgeons and just about every resident in the hospital knows your first name and that you are the answer guy....... you are worth a bunch o dough.....


is one of the greatest fields out there, simply amazing to have worked in this field. Ran a team of 3-4 people and my own room and would just crank through cases. just to many politics in the hospital, the nursing union, anesthesia (heck no a PA could not do sedation or anything like that....) and another job opened up...



yearly reviews should be built into your contract


should get COLA raise of ~3% and in the first few years as you get up to speed should be getting some good sized raises.....

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