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Time for New Job?

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Just seeking some general advice . . . I have been a PA for around 10 years. I have worked for 5 years in orthopaedics and most recently in gyn oncology. Both jobs have been at teaching hospitals and involved some OR, floor and office stuff. I have never felt that as a PA I was utilitzed to my full potential in either job. I'm starting to wonder if this is due to me and my lack of confidence/assertiveness or because of the environment where I have worked.


I feel unchallenged in my current position. I do mostly pre-op H & P's, see chemotherapy patients - all along w/supervising MD, handle some minor floor duties ( discharges, prescribe med's) and rarely assist in OR due to sudden resident interest in cases once I started the position.


Has anyone else, especially teaching hospitals, experienced not being utilized properly?


I am considering a new job that has more autonomy. I'm starting to getting nervous though that I may not measure up.

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Agree with rev.


Do you enjoy being a PA in these positions? If so, find an onc job in a smaller locale.. Where you can expand your role into what the residents are currently doing.


If not, then consider trying something else.. Maybe neurosurgery? Or, my personal favorite CTS and critical care...


Good luck.



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