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Seeking PAs to shadow in Houston TX

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Hello Physician Assistants,

What I like most about the PA profession and community is that everyone is very supportive of each other. I will be applying to PA school next year and had shadowed one PA so far. However, I would be most greatful if I could shadow PAs who work in either a cosmetic surgery center or who works as a liver specialist and who is involved with Liver transplant. Please accept my apology if I am in the wrong category.


Thank you,


Pre-PA student who will be applying next year

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I am from Houston and had the opportunity to shadow 5 PA's in the area. I went through an internship class offered by North Harris College (if you want more info about the class PM me). I also shadowed a few PA's at MD Anderson through there Short-term Observer program. I also know that a few of my friends who are PA school now were able to shadow several PA's at LBJ hospital as a volunteer, so you can look into that as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am from Houston and had the opportunity to shadow 5 PA's in the area. I went through an internship class offered by North Harris College (if you want more info about the class PM me). I also shadowed a few PA's at MD Anderson through there Short-term Observer program. I also know that a few of my friends who are PA school now were able to shadow several PA's at LBJ hospital as a volunteer, so you can look into that as well.


5 pa's?! that's great experience! i too am in the houston area and i wasn't aware north harris has an internship class...you got pm.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello Physician Assistants,

What I like most about the PA profession and community is that everyone is very supportive of each other. I will be applying to PA school next year and had shadowed one PA so far. However, I would be most greatful if I could shadow PAs who work in either a cosmetic surgery center or who works as a liver specialist and who is involved with Liver transplant. Please accept my apology if I am in the wrong category.


Thank you,


Pre-PA student who will be applying next year


i never tried these contacts, but i figure it's worth a shot:



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