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ADVANCE NP/PA Front and Center - A Microcosm of What is Wrong with Our Future

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I was reading my current issue of Advance for NP/PAs. On the news page, called Front and Center, there are five news items. Four of them are about NPs making legislative advancements in various states and situations. For example NPs were credentialed as Primary Care Providers by insurances, the first time non-physicians have been made so. The fifth item (and I'm sure Michael et al had to find some inclusion of PAs) is a story about PAs having a peds conference in Texas.


Please don't misunderstand me here. I'm not being critical of Advance. They were just reporting the news that was there. I'm being critical of the direction our profession is going in (or not going in ) while the NPs are a juggernauts. Are you listening next PA generation? Please do something to change the course of our history.

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We had a poll here not too long ago...something about NPs outpacing PAs and most people, I think, said they didn't believe NPs were outpacing us. I saw that and I couldn't figure out why, why they would think that a group with a huge powerful lobby wouldn't be easily able to outpace a group with a much smaller, slower lobby....

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I'm a part of the next PA generation. I'm really interested to know what recommendations you guys have for moving our field in the right direction. I plan on being involved in the SAAPA as well as my state representative organization, and I think that's a start - just being involved. But what other ways are there to ensure progress in the field?

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We had a poll here not too long ago...something about NPs outpacing PAs and most people, I think, said they didn't believe NPs were outpacing us. I saw that and I couldn't figure out why, why they would think that a group with a huge powerful lobby wouldn't be easily able to outpace a group with a much smaller, slower lobby....


I agree, the PA profession does not have the lobbying power that nurses do. The AAPA needs to be a little more creative in this fast past race towards new health care roles under Obama care. Unfortunately, I think they are moving in the wrong direction, or more specifically putting their resources in the wrong investments. With decrease input from the HOD in the upcoming years on PA policy we are relying on a few (AAPA BOD) to make decisions that is going to affect PAs in every state across the country

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but WHY is this not a priority? I understand that there are pressing matters like expansion of prescriptive rights and the tenncare issues with Medicare. But isnt this issue (our recognition as PRACTITIONERS) at the ROOT of those other issues? If we were recognized on the SAME level as NP's, why are WE having problems with practice laws, reimbursements etc. (or do NP's have probs too but i dont hear about it?) The AAPA is playing damage control instead of addressing the major issue and that's the fact that we as PA's are still seen by the public and government as glorified assistants (sometimes without the glory)

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