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Loan repayment & taxes questions

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Anyone able to give me a brief primer on how this works? This is my first year paying taxes where there is some complexity to the situation...


Will my tax bracket be my salary+loan repayment amount?

Do I even pay taxes on my loan repayment (state loan repayment, NC)?

Will I be able to deduct the interest that has accrued from my loan?

Does CME money count towards my income with regard to taxes?


I ask to because I have a contract negotiation coming up and I would like to optimize this as well as possible from a salary/loan repayment/CME/time off stand point. An awesome website would suffice, if anyone happens to know of one. Thanks!

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CME is not taxable to my knowledge.  I have never paid taxes on CME.  I had a state loan repayment (in Wisconsin) and it was not taxable and was not considered as salary or income.   I was able to deduct interest from my school loan.  This was all back in the years of 2004-2007.


Check your paperwork on your state loan repayment.  It should be in there somewhere if NC counts it as income or if it is taxable.


I am not an accountant, CPA, tax attorney, etc., so don't take my word for anything! 

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