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Are PAs willing to put their money where their mouth is?

Guest Paula

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We talk, discuss and argue on this forum about where we would like to see PAs in the next 3, 5 or 10 years.  It will take a huge lobbying effort in each state and nationally to get us to where many of us want to be.


Are PAs on this forum willing to donate to their state PAC (political action committee) or to other organizations that will represent their interests?


I just donated to  PAFT and my state organization's PAC.


Are PAs willing to discuss their state issues with the state chapter?  You could be surprised at how receptive committee's can be and voicing your opinion and stating your case can be the one single thing that turns the tide in your state and starts the process towards change.


I used to feel that my voice didn't matter.  Then I started expressing it and was pleasantly surprised there was little kickback or disapproval of my views.  Yes, some disagreement in the fine points and the timing of how things work when making changes.


I challenge each PA and PA student to donate to your PAC of choice or organization of choice and designate how you want it spent if you have the option.  Even $10/50/100/5 or whatever you can part with is appreciated. 





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set up recurring monthly donation to AAPA - I think $25(or maybe $20 or $15 - heck I can't remember but it was something) to the PAC

always add in extra $100 or so to PAFT - that reminds me I gotta send them some more money...



Words only help a tiny bit, $$$ is what makes DC function


gotta pony up if you want to see change....

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Is that because of some law or regulation? Or an internal AAPA rule?





I don't know, but I suspect you can not donate through an organization you have to be a member of that organization


2 sec search on google..... looks like you have to be a member.....

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I will not become an AAPA member unless/until they publicly apologize to Dr. Ben Carson for their ignorant political correctness.


Really? So the guy who goes on Fox News to shill his books (which are numerous & make him money only if his name is continually relevant) with divisive hate speech against gay marriage and you're upset the AAPA canned him as a speaker?


I don't see the issue. Yeah he has the right to say what he WANTS. But guess what, the AAPA has the right to decline his services for whatever reason they WANT.



The irony is that 50 years ago, his marriage to a white woman would have been met with equally hateful comparisons in our society... Maybe he should stick to neurosurgery and not use his position as a "renowned doctor" to push his personal & religious philosophies while going against the GROUP medical opinion of the American Psychiatric Association, among many other medical associations. It's very hurtful to people who probably experience enough hurt in their lives for how they were born and whom they love. It should be our DUTY at the very least, as healers, to not make it any worse. Dr. Ben Carson was not following "first, do no harm", when he chose to use a national television program to broadcast his vitriol.


And don't give me that "tradition" BS. It used to be tradition that men would marry VERY young teen (sometimes pre-teen) girls in CHRISTIAN weddings. I don't see too many people upset about that TRADITION CHANGING.

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Are you on the AAPA board Dan?


It used to be liberals were, by definition, tolerant of those with differing ideologies. Now liberals tag any ideology but their own as "hate speech".


Liberalism in America is dead, but leftism is alive and well....


Nope. Just a poor little student member. But unlike you, at least I'm an active member and trying to make things better. Sorry, I can't excuse Dr. Carson's ignorance and hate as simply a "differing ideology". And I think you know better.


Why don't you pony up some of that PA salary you make and do the same... Instead of decrying the AAPA as "liberals" for not wanting to have a bigoted speaker at the conference and using that as an excuse not to join "until they apologize."

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Nope. Just a poor little student member. But unlike you, at least I'm an active member and trying to make things better. Sorry, I can't excuse Dr. Carson's ignorance and hate as simply a "differing ideology". And I think you know better.


Why don't you pony up some of that PA salary you make and do the same... Instead of decrying the AAPA as "liberals" for not wanting to have a bigoted speaker at the conference and using that as an excuse not to join "until they apologize."

Excellent post.

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The interesting thing about the whole Dr. Carson issue is that there is no gay gene.

Right. And have scientists isolated a "straight" gene yet?


Of course not. Multiple alleles, genes, epigenetics, hormones, environmental influences and conditions during gestation likely all play a role in the development of sexuality. To think some single gene is going to completely control sexual orientation is beyond foolish.


But none of that changes the fact that homosexuals have no choice in their attractions. We see documented homosexual pairings across hundreds of other species. Zoologists and biologists have gotten this concept for a long time. It's not a human invention. And if you talk to a gay person, you'll understand it's certainly not something they chose for themselves.






- TL;DR version:


"If there are male-loving and female-loving alleles of tens or hundreds of genes battling it out in the population, everyone will inherit a mixture of different variants. Combined with environmental influences, it will be hard to detect individual genes. 


It’s a bit like height, which is influenced by variants in thousands of genes, as well as the environment, and produces a “continuous distribution” of people of different heights. At the two extremes are the very tall and the very short. In the same way, at each end of a continuous distribution of human mating preference, we would expect the “very male-loving” and the “very female-loving” in both sexes."

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"Sorry, I can't excuse Dr. Carson's ignorance and hate as simply a "differing ideology"....for not wanting to have a bigoted speaker at the conference and using that as an excuse not to join "until they apologize." "


More intolerant, illiberal leftist attitude calling someone who disagrees with you a bigot, or what he says "hate speech".



Someone who wants to preserve the definition of a word (in this case, the term "marriage") isn't a bigot, they are simply someone you disagree with. Someday youight be able to disagree with someone without calling them names.

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"Sorry, I can't excuse Dr. Carson's ignorance and hate as simply a "differing ideology"....for not wanting to have a bigoted speaker at the conference and using that as an excuse not to join "until they apologize." "


More intolerant, illiberal leftist attitude calling someone who disagrees with you a bigot, or what he says "hate speech".



Someone who wants to preserve the definition of a word (in this case, the term "marriage") isn't a bigot, they are simply someone you disagree with. Someday youight be able to disagree with someone without calling them names.

He compared the right of gays wanting to marry with groups of pedophiles and bestiality. Classic "slippery slope" fallacy pandering & vitriol.


That's pretty bigoted.


Get real.


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^^^^^ Here is your hater. The AAPA does not represent me because of their hatred towards Dr. Carson and their anti-american approach to take away his freedom of speech by shunning him. they will not see a penny of my hard earned cash until they make a formal apology. we the PAs do not need them for representation, they need us and should act accordingly.

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The AAPA does not represent me because of their hatred towards Dr. Carson and their anti-american approach to take away his freedom of speech by shunning him. they will not see a penny of my hard earned cash until they make a formal apology.


I love when people toss out "freedom of speech" and have no idea how it applies:



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Dan - At least you are being accurate about what he said. Most intolerant leftists want him strung up because they think he equated homosexuality with bestiality, which he did NOT do. As you said, he discussed the slippery slope of changing the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to.....something else. If we allow two men, or two women, to marry, then what is to stop three people from marrying? Or four?


Think that is a fallacious argument? You are wrong:

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