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Study Tactics: Review Questions

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Hello! long time lurker, first time poster.

Recently I've made a change to my study methods (especially in Clin Med), and I've begun to add a lot more review questions to my studies. I've found that I've gotten burnt out on my go to method of study which is grinding out thousands of note cards (no joke term 1 about 4000 and term 2 about double that). Recently I've found it more engaging and successful to cut down the amount of cards and practice as many different types of questions as possible...I've found that the concepts seem to stick much better that way. The biggest problem I've run into now is a lack of module specific questions. I've got a couple of the review books (Lange and Van Rhee) and have found a decent amount of questions on the internet, but I was wondering if there were any services out there that could provide a module specific question environment. I'm aware of "PA Easy" b/c I used "Rad Review Easy" as an xray student...This would likely be perfect for me minus the huge price take and limited subscription options. Does anyone know of any other question based study tools that might be out there that are Clin Med module specific as well as "affordable" for non-PANCE study?


any help and or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Some people can study from cards, but I couldn't, especially in any class except anatomy. 


I feel that clin med is crying for you to remember associations, not isolated factoids. I found it was best to outline the information and then relate it to things physical. Some stuff you had to know (i.e., which disease is indicated by Auer rods, etc) but mostly I found I needed to understand what the heck was going on with each condition. That also made remembering what tests to run and how to treat a bit easier.


I don't know how you study the best, but I encourage you to try different approaches. For me, outlining in a standard format worked well in Clin med (then I only had to study those parts of my notes that I didn't think I could remember without another couple of passes before the exam) and drawing drug family trees worked best for me in pharm. 


Good luck!

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Does your program offer any free access to any question banks? Are there others in your class that would be willing to go in and get a "package deal" on something like Hippo or PA Easy?

We did that (with Hippo) and saved quite a bit of money, and our program also offered free access to PA Easy.

I found it useful to create my own questions while I was doing objectives as well, just to supplement and make it more engaging.


Not sure if I even answered your question or not..



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I know my school starts us on something along the lines of PA easy, might be that or Hippo...I'm going to inquire about when we actually start with it tomorrow. I'll look into the package deals too because I'm sure people will be willing to throw in on it. 


But yes you've helped. Just wish there were more resources like that at better prices.



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Hello! long time lurker, first time poster.

Recently I've made a change to my study methods (especially in Clin Med), and I've begun to add a lot more review questions to my studies. I've found that I've gotten burnt out on my go to method of study which is grinding out thousands of note cards (no joke term 1 about 4000 and term 2 about double that). Recently I've found it more engaging and successful to cut down the amount of cards and practice as many different types of questions as possible...I've found that the concepts seem to stick much better that way. The biggest problem I've run into now is a lack of module specific questions. I've got a couple of the review books (Lange and Van Rhee) and have found a decent amount of questions on the internet, but I was wondering if there were any services out there that could provide a module specific question environment. I'm aware of "PA Easy" b/c I used "Rad Review Easy" as an xray student...This would likely be perfect for me minus the huge price take and limited subscription options. Does anyone know of any other question based study tools that might be out there that are Clin Med module specific as well as "affordable" for non-PANCE study?


any help and or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Try examdriver. it is geared more towards end of rotation exams and pance/packrat prep. I am sure you can access it through your school (i.e. library).
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[...] our program also offered free access to PA Easy. [...]

My program did too. Our class' conclusion was that free access to PA Easy simply isn't worth it, based on the poor overall quality and inattention to suggested corrections.  I urge any PA student to flee PA Easy.

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My program did too. Our class' conclusion was that free access to PA Easy simply isn't worth it, based on the poor overall quality and inattention to suggested corrections. I urge any PA student to flee PA Easy.

Yeah I would have been disappointed if I had to pay for it. (Well maybe I did pay for it with tuition).

Hence we decided to go with Hippo. But, PA Easy was a good supplemental question bank and you can create a daily quiz, so I did like 5-10 questions a day just to keep fresh despite its inconsistencies.



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