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Interesting Salutation

Guest Paula

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I received a letter today from a physician specialist who saw a patient of mine in consult.  The salutation said:


Dear Practitioner Jones.  (My pretend last name for now, jmj will like it).


Then I got another radiology study that addressed me as Paula Jones, FNP.


Can't win. 


I actually like the Practitioner Jones salutation but wondered why he didn't just write Ms. Jones, or PA Jones. 


Has anyone else had interesting salutations?

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Interesting anecdote and it helps affirm my sense that many physicians who have not either hired a PA, or worked very closely with one, don't REALLY know what a PA is our how their training differs from an NP. Also many physicians seem to be somewhat uncomfortable with the notion of PAs in general. They sort of understand NPs, however, since they are just nurses with advanced training. I suspect both salutations originate from that lack of understanding.


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Honestly, I don't think it's lack of understanding or rudeness. PA's just have it hard with salutations because they all sound kind of silly, they want to acknowledge your title but they're unsure how. For example, nobody says MD Smith, they say Doctor, and nobody says RN Smith they say Nurse. The radiology one probably just probably assumed since you're not a doctor you're an NP. 

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my all time favorite

Non-Physician provider.....



now I am getting mail for my practice (I own 99%) from the local hospital system addressed to physician leader - an it always is some sales pitch from some new doc, or some new service being provided by the hospital.....  I have already called them and left a polite voice mail saying that it was not correct

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