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Volunteer Work

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I think the best volunteer work portfolio is one that includes at least some medical work, but extends beyond that in time and scope.  This is especially valuable for older applicants.  I was able to show 3+ decades of volunteering in a variety of contexts, most of it non-medical, long before I'd done anything at all medically-focused in my career.

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Guest MedLib42

Agreed. Variety is best. Schools generally love to see volunteering done in medically underserved areas (such as free clinics), medical mission trips, hospice, EMT. But non-healthcare volunteer work is important too, so I would shoot for both if you can.

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Like MedLib42 said, I found that volunteering at underserved clinics to be extremely valuable and was able to speak a lot about my experiences during my interview, but try to diversify your experience. I was also a health promoter. Also look for a local firefighter unit you can volunteer with, they'll have a lot to teach you.

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The vast majority of my volunteer experience was non-medical.  It also wasn't continuous with the same place for years at at time due to moving.  I've worked with foster kids in the US, volunteered at orphanages abroad, and was a volunteer fire fighter for a short period of time. It hasn't held me back from receiving interviews at most of the schools I've applied to.

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Can you tell us more about your goals?  What kind of PA do you want to be (e.g. family practice, specialty practice)?  Do you want to work with a specific population (e.g. migrant workers, military, elderly)?


In answer to your question I have no idea what I'd like to do as a PA because I haven't had much experience working with specific populations/specialties to see what jives with me. The only experience I have is shadowing PA's in GI which is interesting but didn't strike me as a LOVE. I am an EMT so emergency medicine is also an interest. I guess I was just wondering what schools really wanted to see on an application. For example if I go walk dogs at the local humane society would that look worse on a application than working with the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, etc. I don't have a lot of time between working full time and school full time so I want to make sure my hours count.

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