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Question about first semester schedule

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Hello all!


I am curious to know what a daily/weekly schedule is like during first semester in terms of hours in class per day, average number of exams per week, number of classes taken at a time, etc.


For example, do you have class from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday? How long is lunch break? Do you ever get off early for extra study time? Do you have exams every week and if so how many?


Thanks so much!

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Hello all!


I am curious to know what a daily/weekly schedule is like during first semester in terms of hours in class per day, average number of exams per week, number of classes taken at a time, etc.


For example, do you have class from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday? How long is lunch break? Do you ever get off early for extra study time? Do you have exams every week and if so how many?


Thanks so much!



Monday - Friday except no later than 3pm on Fridays due to observing Jewish religion by the university. The first semester can be 9am-9pm with gaps depending on professors off-campus work schedules. MPH classes are always in the evenings. The first semester consisted of 5 MPH classes and 4 PA classes (5 if you count anatomy lab as a separate class). If classes run 9am-9pm then there is an hour for lunch break and an hour for dinner break. If classes let out early or there are longer gaps between classes then there is extra time to study. Also, there are many Jewish holidays that provide ~4 day weekends especially throughout September and October. Exams are not every week - they are scattered throughout the semester. Sometimes there can be 2-3 in a row but faculty is very easy to work with and they move exams around to try to help. Finals week(s) will always be every single day. 


I hope this answers all of your questions!

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