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Advice needed

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Dear all, 


I'm a new mom and will start PA program next June. Since I'm taking care of the baby at home now and have my parents' help till Dec, I have a little extra time. If I want to study some PA courses in advance (in case I don't have a lot of time to study with a 9 months old crawling everywhere next year), where should I start? Should I review some pre PA courses like biochem, anatomy, or should I find some PA textbooks to read, or even PANCE guidelines, maybe?


Any suggestions will be appreciated! Wish all have a good day!



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Yeah, I think it's going to be tough to predict what, in 10 months' time, you will wish you did more of.


I vote for sleep, personally, as a PA and a dad. (And congrats, new mom!)


You'll have no choice but to study with the 9-month-old crawling around, sorry, so doing some now won't really reduce your load later. It might make you feel more comfortable and capable when you're starting your program, so a little bit of biochem or A&P would not go amiss. But don't drive yourself crazy with it now. It'll be drinking from a firehose no matter what.


Learn about your baby and how his/her personality works. Maybe practice making the baby wait (I'm talking like 10 seconds at a time) to prepare him/her for those moments when he/she will want mommy's attention right now but you can't give it until the end of the page you're on. That could be an investment that pays off.


I think you're going to be making up a lot of songs about anatomy and pharmacology, and there will be bedtime stories that start "once upon a time, there was a 47-yr-old diabetic woman with sinus congestion and cough for 2 weeks..."

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Dear all, 


I'm a new mom and will start PA program next June. Since I'm taking care of the baby at home now and have my parents' help till Dec, I have a little extra time. If I want to study some PA courses in advance (in case I don't have a lot of time to study with a 9 months old crawling everywhere next year), where should I start? Should I review some pre PA courses like biochem, anatomy, or should I find some PA textbooks to read, or even PANCE guidelines, maybe?


Any suggestions will be appreciated! Wish all have a good day!


get a babysitter

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My first vote is just spend time with your new baby. IMO studying biochem or micro wouldn't be that useful of a time investment. You will do A&P but you already took these courses and I think just take then as new once school starts. If you have to study then maybe all muscles plus insertion action origin etc but even then is say just spend time now with your family.

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