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When should I apply?

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Hello all,


I am debating when I should throw my hat in the ring for the 2015 cycle.




Of course, I would like to apply right away when the cycle opens.


This fall and upcoming spring, I will have finished all but one of my pre-reqs, Anatomy. I will take this in early summer.


At first, I was going to finish Anatomy, take the GRE in late summer (more available study time after spring semester,) and apply at the end of the summer, early fall. I know it would be late in the cycle, but everything would be complete.


Or, should I squeeze in time to take the GRE perhaps this winter and apply when the cycle opens up this spring?


Again, the last (but one) of my pre-reqs would be in progress and I would be registered for Anatomy.


What would you do if you were me?



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Few, if any, schools will let you wait until summer to finish your required prereqs for a fall start.  If you're really set on applying this year, your best bet would be to apply to a list of schools that meet the following criteria: 1) either don't require the anatomy class as a prereq OR have a prereq completion deadline of "time of matriculation" and 2) have a late Oct (or later) app deadline (or even later, if they want your pending GRE).  That said, this will not end up being a lengthy list, and you're therefore likely to prevent yourself from applying to the full range of prospective programs.  Are you willing to potentially attend a "back up" school just to get in a year sooner, or would you rather apply with a complete application, at the start of the race, to your full range of schools?  

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