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Greatest Challenges and Issues facing PAs today

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Hi everyone, I am new to this forum.


I am applying to become a physician assistant and got a book to prepare me for my interview. In the book it says stay current on the greatest challenges and issues PAs face today. Although I have read many journals and articles on this topic, I was wondering what any practicing PAs or people either applying or in the programs feel are the greatest challenges and issues PAs face today

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I think that there is a challenge to get patients into speciality practices due to the lack of people being insured and the high price for some specialities so it limits the patients that can be seen by physician assistants who work in these practices; also i believe that AAPA does little to promote this profession so there are 'some' instances where other organizations downplay the role of a PA and training and education they receive 


I know the current healthcare topics and changes that are being made are going to contribute to the challenges as well

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Oh, the shake up:


1) 5 + Million People entering as patients into the health care system (now insured for the first time).


2) Many PCPs retiring and not being replaced by PCP MDs because family medicine is no longer lucrative and physicians ( as well as NPs / PAs) are opting for specialty care. 


3) Insurance companies are putting the screws to practices, with small practices not having the clout to fight back.  Small practices are selling out to large systems.


4) The large systems (due to #3) now realize that the only way that non-interventionist medical providers can generate revenues is via volume.  The Henry Ford model of mass health care delivery is being executed with the (false) assumption that technology (EMR) will make that possible. 


5) So far EMRs, on average, reduce productivity.


6) Jockeying for position, NPs are trying to wedge themselves in the space above PAs in the view employers and the public by having a "doctorate" as the entry level.


7) After 50 years, most of America still don't understand what PAs can do.

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