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Expulsion and PA School

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Well here it goes. I was assaulted on campus and so was diagnosed with PTSD. Never really got any treatment for it nor support from family for what happened to me. Then whe the anniversary of the assault approached I had a nightmare and thought my boy friend at the time was the guy who assaulted me. He called the police hoping I would be hospitalized BUT instead I was arrested. womp.
Charges were dismissed on grounds of psychological distress BUT the school decided to expell me, said I was causing too many issues. Plus I was also suicidal at the time and did try to kill myself on campus so they really wanted me gone. 

Now I am much better in terms of mental health and want t get back into pursuing PA as a career. I know that I could boost my grades up because I began doing poorly after the assault. I also decided to take a CNA course for HCE since I have been out of the game because I did take a year off after all of this. 
Is there anything else I can do to make up for this expulsion on my record. Please don't say I lost my chance as PA because I won't take no for answer. I am ready to fight and do anything. 

Thank you

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