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Question about supplemental question

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I have a question to answer for a supplemental application. The question asks: Have you previously attended a public health program, even for just a few days? If yes, please provide the details of your enrollment, including the name of the school, term(s) of attendance, and your most recent academic standing. 


What do they mean "public health program"?  I took an EMT class, a Wilderness First Responder Class, a nurse aid class (which I dropped) and of course CPR/First Aid courses. I have never been enrolled in a nursing program, respiratory therapy or anything like that. So what do they mean by "public health program?"


Thanks for any help with this!

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Turns out they meant specifically a degree program in Public Health - such as the MPH that goes along with the MSPAS in the joint program I applied for. Doh! The lady I spoke to thought I was a complete idiot. 

Sometimes "Public health" means just public health. :-)  Hope you didn't give them your name! ;-)

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