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To Weaker G.P.A. Applicants. How did you fare?

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Good morning everyone,


I love all of the info shared in this forum! As I read along the different posts, I am noting astronomically high grade point averages; 3.8, 3.9, etc. This is a wonderful thing!


This is not me.


I am a non-traditional student in my final year of undergraduate school. I will earn a B.S. in Biology. I plan to apply to MU's PA graduate program when 2015's cycle begins.


In my early 20's, I had poor study habits and my grades reflected this. I returned to University in my late 20's, while trying to adjust to a new marriage and while raising a younger child, I have worked tirelessly to bring my grades back up. And have been successful.


I anticipate graduating with at least a 3.3-3.5 science g.p.a., but I am not sure what MU will consider when it comes to my cumulative g.p.a.


Looking at my last two years of university will offer a much prettier picture than my overall, that include mediocre grades from 14 years ago.


My question goes out to applicants who applied with less than premium g.p.a.'s and were offered an interview and/or accepted into the program.


What other areas were you strong in? How was your interview? Did you have to "explain yourself?"


Any insight you can help with would be greatly appreciated!





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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