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Logging shadowing hours

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I apologize for the newbie question, but what is the documentation process for shadowing?? Is it generally an honor system thing? Assuming you have not requested an LOR from a specific PA you have shadowed, do the schools contact this PA to verify?


This is most definitely not a get-in-by-fudging thought process, I just haven't seen this topic in any pre-pa threads. Thanks!

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I agree with the above. I was actually disappointed when I went to PA school information sessions or talked with the admission staffs and they told me that it was an honor system. I think applicants should prove all the hours they use to quality or get credit for. Its too easy to pencil whip hours or state volunteer time. 

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If shadowing or non-medical volunteer hours were actually meaningful, then I agree.  I hope the lack of verification reflects the lack of emphasis on shadowing that most schools have.  I get that schools who don't require a single hour of paid HCE should and probably do require shadowing in lieu of actual experience, and would expect that they would be more likely to verify such shadowing.

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