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Former scribes that are PA students or graduates

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I am a scribe who has been accepted into a few programs... Currently it is about 8 months away from when classes start. 


I was wondering if you would recommend that I continue scribing or work some other non-medically related job?


I feel like it would be a better mental break and it would also free up the position for someone who was in my shoes last year that needs hours for their application. However, I understand the job comes with lots of pertinent information that could be useful for school... what would you recommend?

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I was a scribe up until I began PA school, but I also worked a couple non-medical jobs part time as well. While my scribing experience has helped me to better understand certain concepts if you decide to stop scribing you will still be successful in PA school. If you feel like you need a mental break I would take it. PA school is demanding and you don't want to be feel burned out before you even get there. Congrats and good luck!

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