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Resume or CV for interview?

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Which is more professional to bring to an interview? I am very familiar with the resume format and I already have one that is ready for the interview, but I was wondering if the admissions committee would prefer a CV because of its focus on academics...


Thanks for any insight!

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Guest MedLib42

In my experience, some schools do tend to prefer CVs instead of resumes. However, for every school I applied to / interviewed at, if they wanted my CV, they either asked me to send it ahead of time (with or in place of a secondary application) or they expressly told us to bring them to the interviews. I never had anyone ask for a CV at an interview who hadn't already asked for it ahead of time. 


It guess it can't hurt to bring it (a lot of people do), but I would caution against providing it unless it comes up and they ask for it during the interview.

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