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Is anyone applying this cycle that has not yet completed their application?

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I would say get your apps in ASAP. Chances aren't going to be the best for you as most schools are rolling admissions but I wouldn't give up hope entirely! I applied Jan 15 for the last cycle and since I applied so late, I decided to apply to a lot more schools than I would have done had I applied earlier. I actually still got a number of interviews and was accepted into my top program. However, I was also rejected from a lot of schools because I was so late, which is why you should really get your apps in soon.


You can give some of the programs a call and ask what the status is on open seats in their program. There's also quite a few schools with much later deadlines that you still have time to apply for.


Good luck!

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That depends if the schools grant admissions on a rolling basis. Visit their website or call them to find out. At this point, just make sure their application is as polished as possible before submitting. Penn state's deadline is not until Jan 1 of 2015, so that is a program you still have a lot of time with. Good Luck. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, last year I applied to a handful of schools in September and got 0 interviews, all but maybe 1 had rolling admissions. I hadn't known of this website and had NO idea that when they said rolling they meant by the time they looked at my app there'd be maybe 1 interview session left, if at all. Basically yes, it's definitely hurt your chances, however if you're a good applicant (lots of HCE, good grades/good references/etc) then you probably actually still have a good chance, while if you're mediocre/average not so much. Then it becomes a matter of whether you have the money to spend hundreds/thousands of dollars this year, and maybe next year too, and whether applying as a re-applicant would help or hurt you at your programs. Good luck! 

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