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DUI and clinical portion of PA programs

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I managed to get accepted this cycle, despite a recent DUI. My next line of concern is whether this will be an issue for clinicals down the line? Anyone have experience or knowledge about this? Specifically I have one DUI (and the associated minor speeding ticket) on my driving record.


(I have already confirmed that I will have no issues getting licensed in several states of interest and that sitting for the exam will also face no hurdles.


Also, please please please don't drink and drive folks, it is dangerous for your community and it is difficult to judge when you may be approaching the limit. The best rule is to never drive with any alcohol in your system. If you can't afford a cab you can't afford a DUI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I highly doubt it. I had some legal troubles myself during didactic year of PA school and it did not even come up at all during clinicals. Most sites do not have the time, money or resources to background check their students. Imagine performing a background check every 5 weeks for multiple students just to come in and rotate for 5-10 weeks? The sites usually rely on the PA schools to take care of this. If however, in the VERY small chance that it does come up - best advice I can give you is just to be honest and upfront. On my licensing application I had to disclose all legal encounters regardless of weather they remained on my record (perposterous IMO). I was just honest and upfront and it posed no issues. I'm actually now working for the department of corrections!! Very ironic the way fate can work out..

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If you have any rotations on military bases or government institutions ( VA, State Psych ward etc. ) It may come up, but otherwise, it should not be an issue. I was finger printed and background checked for both my Government installation rotations. (on top of the in depth background check we did at the beginning of clinicals) It may not be an issue even if they check. Not sure.

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  • 6 months later...

As cop to PA notes, a DUI ranges from essentially a bad traffic citation (NJ) to a felony (TX I think?). You would do well to know how it will be regarded in the state your school is in.


If something does appear on your background check and a clinical facility refuses to accept you, there will not be much your program can do to help you out.

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