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Any Advice?

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight. I am curious if I should apply in the Spring 2015 admission cycle (causing me to start PA school immediately upon my completion of my undergraduate degree) or wait until the Spring of 2016. I am currently in my junior year of undergrad at a top 30 ranked school studying biology. My GPA is 3.6 and science GPA is a 3.3. By the end of this year, I will have completed all of the pre-recs for the PA programs that I am interested in (Wake Forest, Northwestern, Baylor, Stony Brook, Philadelphia, Duke). I have done several mission trips (non-medically related) and have done some non patient contact volunteer work at a hospital. My concern is my direct patient care experience. If I were to apply in the Spring of 2015, I would have pretty much the exact 1,000 hours of experience that is required for most of the programs I am interested in. If I wait and apply in 2016, I could work for that full year (May 2016-2017) and accumulate close to another 2,000 hours. My experience would be mainly working as a Patient Care Technician on a med/surg hospital unit (taking vitals, helping patients with ADL's, performing finger sticks, etc.) I am wondering if I stand any chance of getting into any of these schools if I apply this upcoming spring or if I should definitely just wait until the following year. I know how expensive the application process can get and I would prefer to not have to go through it twice if that can be avoided. However, I also think it would be beneficial for me to enroll immediately upon my graduation from undergrad as I know that the didactic year can be difficult and going right out of graduation would have me still in an "academic mindset" so it wouldn't be as much of an adjustment as it would be if I waited for a year. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this, if anyone has any insight I would really appreciate it!!!!

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I think you need to decide what kind of program you want to attend and whether you want to attend next year or the following.  The schools you list are extremely competitive--especially in the HCE department.  You could probably land some interviews this upcoming year (assuming all other "stats" are in line with the ones you presented) at programs with lower HCE requirements (and averages among accepted applicants).  But if you apply with exactly the minimum, you'll possibly be overlooked.  That said, it can't hurt to try!  If you don't get in, try again next year.  If you're happy going to a school with a lesser HCE requirement, throw those on your list and apply this year.  If you're set on the ones you listed, apply this year, stay realistic, and apply again if needed.  Good luck!

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