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Missionary Medicine

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Hi All,


I attended this course last year and found it amazing.  It is coming up again and I wanted to put it out there for anyone who has interest in doing missionary medicine (short or long term).  The classes were taught by providers who have extensive in field service.  


This course helps prepare physicians and PAs, who already have a thorough understanding of medical diagnosis and treatment principles, to work in developing countries where sophisticated instrumentation and lab tests are not available.
The training consists of detailed presentations of the most common diseases seen in third world settings and emphasizes diagnosis and treatment. This would include not only the major killers like malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, but also many other tropical diseases and conditions not usually seen in western medicine. Other topics such as critical childbirth and women’s issues, international drug options, complications of malnutrition and anemia, common dental issues facing physicians, and barriers to best practices in global health missions will also be discussed. 
The course is from October 15 - 19, 2014 and offers 26.25 AMA Category 1 credits.  The cost is $1,200 and includes room and board (three meals a day).  I have attached a flyer that lists all the website and contact information:
I really enjoyed the course.  If you see this type of service in your future, check it out.  Flyer attached.


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CMDA absorbed the Fellowship of Christian PAs about 18 months ago, and it has been a really great benefit for me as a member.  I'd strongly recommended that any medical professional who agrees with their ethics stances and statement of faith join.


Interesting you should mention CMDA.  The course I mentioned is listed on the CMDA site.  http://cmda.org/events/detail/missionary-medicine-for-physicians

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Interesting you should mention CMDA.  The course I mentioned is listed on the CMDA site.  http://cmda.org/events/detail/missionary-medicine-for-physicians

Well, yes, that's why I mentioned them.  From their member communications, it sounds like they've been selling out this course, and are actually looking experienced medical missionaries to teach, so they can offer it more frequently. I do intend to take it, most likely next year.  I will be attending https://cmda.org/resources/publication/grace-prescriptions in Portland this fall, since it's closer, cheaper, and shorter.

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Looks interesting.  I might go someday, too.  Will keep it in mind. I spent one year in Africa as a missionary assistant at an MK school and visited a hospital.  Watched a hysterectomy (fainted, hahahha), but it was really interesting what they could do with little resources.  I was not a PA then.  It was a great year. 

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