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What salary to ask for?

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A person who I am networking with asked me what I want my salary to be... regarding a surgical specialty This person has connections with several surgeons and has mentioned my name to them. Basically, he is the middle man, and he is asking me the above question. I don't really want to be the first to throw a value out because I feel that I would lose some serious negotiating power, but at the same time I will be a new grad and this person is sticking his neck out for me with a promising opportunity.


Anyone have an ideas on how to approach this?


So far I've went through the AAPA salary report and wrote down both national average and state average (<4 years experience) for surgical specialty. I pretty much took the 75th percentile of the national average minus a few thousand (the state average in surgery is lower than the national average) and used that number. I have a good idea of what I want and I know I am not cutting myself short on the salary, and probably overshooting to be honest, but as with any counter offer I am sure that number will be brought down. Is this a good approach considering that I am blowing most of my negotiating power right off that bat? or should I aim a little higher then the 75th %?



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I wouldnt give a number.

I would tell your networker that is something you would discuss in person if he/she can get you in front of someone with decisionmaking power.

To do otherwise is to sell yourself short potentially. It's also none of their business.

Good luck

G Brothers PA-C



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I always evaluate a 'fit' before discussing money.  I will take a little less if it means being present with my family than I might if I felt I had to compromise in that area.  As a point of interest, I DO NOT compromise in that area anymore and wish I never had.  


Of course this is provided I don't have to pay for anything related to my candidacy for the position.  



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I always evaluate a 'fit' before discussing money.  I will take a little less if it means being present with my family than I might if I felt I had to compromise in that area.  As a point of interest, I DO NOT compromise in that area anymore and wish I never had.  


Of course this is provided I don't have to pay for anything related to my candidacy for the position.  



agree. when I interviewed at my most recent new rural per diem job salary was never discussed. I knew I wanted the job. they knew I was the right person for the job. I didn't know the pay rate until I got my first check. I wasn't disappointed.

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