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waiting after interview

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Guest MedLib42

Most programs will send out a rejection if you haven't been accepted, and most candidates won't hear anything that soon after an interview. It's true that some schools will take a handful of really exceptional applicants right away, and these people will get their acceptance calls anywhere from the day of the interview to a week or so afterward. However, for the majority of applicants, I think most schools wait until all of the interview sessions have been completed so that they can review all of the candidates they interviewed together before sending out acceptances/rejections. 


I didn't get any immediate news or acceptances during my interview process. The quickest notification I got was an acceptance six weeks after the interview; the quickest rejection I got was about 2 or 3 months after the interview. One of the schools I interviewed in August 2012 sent my acceptance in March of 2013! So try to relax and wait. Maybe if you post this under your school forum in the "Physician Assistant Schools" section, you can get some feedback from other candidates who interviewed and are also waiting to hear back from that particular school.

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My experiences have been very different from MedLib's. I had five interviews. The quickest notification happened the same day as the interview. The longest notification time was 4 weeks -- and that was the school's maximum time to make a decision (they notify some applicants after 1 week). For every interview I was able to get a good idea of the wait time by browsing the school-specific threads here.

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If a program sends out acceptances on a rolling basis and there were interview dates Aug 21, 22, 28, 29, and this past week on Monday, acceptances went out to a few people who interviewed on the 21st and even to someone on the 22nd. Does that mean they're done looking at Aug 21st interviews considering the program sends out acceptances on a rolling basis and they accepted someone past the first interview date? Does rolling basis mean first come first serve right? And now they're  moving on to the most recent interview dates I'm assuming, I haven't heard anything and I interviewed on the 21st. I'm confused by this term rolling basis, it seems like they're done reviewing the first interview date if they already accepted someone from a date that was later than the one I attended? Am I just being paranoid?

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Rolling admissions means that once you've been interviewed, you are considered at every candidate selection from that time forward. So if the school officials meet after the first interview date, they select students from that first interview. If they meet again after the second interview, all remaining candidates from the first interview and all candidates from the second interview are considered. And so on... If you are interviewed in the schools 7th session you are competing with everyone from that session and the sessions before it when the committee is choosing, but if you are interviewed first you have a higher chance of acceptance because in the beginning you don't have as much competition and at the end, you've been considered 7 times.


You may not have been selected the first time around, but if your interviewed early your name is still in the mix until they fill the class.


ETA: or until they decide you aren't a good fit, in which case they will send you notification.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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