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Did anyone get accepted in previous years with an application submission date past Sept 1st?

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Just looking for some encouragement! (or realistic harsh truth) I didn't think I would be able to apply this year because I assumed I would have to take the GRE a second time after I already pushed taking it back one time and didn't realize I could still be in classes this fall and apply. Well, I did well enough on my GRE to apply and then had to scramble to get everything together, then had problems with one school getting my transcripts to CASPA. Long story short, my CASPA did not get completed until September 8th. I believe I still have a competitive application with 5,000 patient care hours as a CT technologist in a trauma 1 center, an overall GPA of 3.68, science GPA of 3.71, and an overall GRE score of 310 and. Just hoping and wishing upon a star for an interview. Has anyone else ever received an interview with a rather late submission? 

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As long as you submit your application before October 1, you will be considered. You certainly are competitive with an interesting background and good stats this late in the game your application is now one in almost 2000 that need reviewed. BUT, even by the priority deadline of September 1, there were already 1500+ applications on file. So, no worries, you are in an elite group and as long as CASPA can verify your application soon, there are still 6 interview dates open :-) Sit back and relax!

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I submitted my app a few days before the Oct. 1st deadline (yes, I'm a serial procrastinator). I received an invite a week before the very last session. It was painfully stressful wondering if I had applied too late, but it ended up working out for me. You're definitely a competitive applicant so don't lose hope! Good luck!

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