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WICHE scholarship for NV residents

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So, Michael Wilson asked me to post here about this massive scholarship that's available to a PA student who is already a NV resident and intends to remain in NV to practice once they graduate from Touro. It's the HCAP WICHE scholarship. It's worth $32,000.. A massive chunk of tuition. In order to apply one must be accepted to a PA program (Touro), write three short essays, be a NV resident (my family has been in NV since before the gold rush) and send in some additional eligibility paperwork. When I wrote my essays I was truthful about my intent in serving Nevadans as the essay prompt requests. It seems the folks who decide how to allocate this scholarship have a good idea of who is actually going to stick around after the two year required service agreement. The application is technically due in October but when I applied in April, no eligible applicants had yet been found so get ahold of the WICHE office in Reno for details. Good Luck on applications and if you're going to be in NV for a while check out this WICHE scholarship!

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