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Hey everyone, need some advice.  I am a second year PA student with an Athletic Training background set to graduate on Oct 1st of this year and have two orthopedic job offers waiting.  I was hoping you guys who take a look and give me any/all advice you have.


Job A 

Exciting position in practice that does not have a PA but Dr. I would be working with has experience training PAs.


Base $95,000

Bonus 10% of base


22 days PTO (if holiday falls on week day, counts against PTO)

Call 1 weekend a month

5 days CME with 2k allowance

Malpractice with tail coverage 

Health insurance on day 1 and short/long term disability after 90 days


Job B

Better location for my wife and I. Really nice sports medicine doctor who I get along well with. Replacing previous PA who left to follow passion for ortho trauma


Base $87,500

Bonus "30% of all revenues exceeding PA overhead. PA overhead is salary plus 25% benefit load" Not exactly sure what that verbiage means if anyone can help. 


15 days vacation.  8.5 days of paid holidays. 7 days of sick leave.

NO call.

5 days CME with $2,500 allowance

Malpractice (not sure if tail coverage)

Health Insurance but no short/long term disability included


My questions.  What offer looks better overall? What should I expect to bring in as a first year ortho PA (the PAOS salary survey says 280k is the 50th percentile)?  I have not began negotiating, what should I try to include in each package?


Thank you so much for all of your advice!


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I'd go with option B. You spend a lot of time with your SP in ortho, I find this really important. Plus no call in an ortho job is amazing, and your time off is way better. Your overhead is your salary plus 25% for your ins, PTO, etc. Anything else you bill for above this you will receive 30% of that. Not sure where you're located at, but I find that a pretty decent salary for a new grad.

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