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Negative GPa trend

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Hello everyone,

I have a negative science GPa trend. I started with 4.0 in my freshman, then to 3.5, and 2.9 during my junior and senior years. I guess the reason is that I transferred to a UC, and classes were more challenging. Also, I took ochem and biochem during junior and senio years. My post bach is 4.0, which includes prereq classes for Pa.


Here is my question, this is obviously not positive, so how bad will admins view this? Will they not place so much emphasis since my ochem and biochem grades influenced the low science GPa during my junior and senior years?

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Guest MedLib42

As for the last 45-60, I don't think Caspa has that information, unless I am mistaken.



CASPA doesn't separately calculate the most recent 40-60 credits, but the info is available to the schools, as they will often calculate it out themselves. Many schools will want to see an upward trend in your GPA over the most recent 40+ credits if you've had poor grades in the past. And there are a few schools that actually only look at the last 40 or 60 credit hours, and don't give much weight to anything else. So someone with a worse past GPA but a good upward recent GPA trend will have a better chance at these schools. 

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