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Would this count as direct patient care or other health related?

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I am unsure as to which category my volunteer position falls under: I volunteer at a nursing home (specifically, the Alzheimer's/dementia community) and I act as an activities leader. My duties consist of helping develop and lead mentally stimulating activities and discussions, perform hand massages (for the sensory experience program), lead chair exercises and assist residents via hand over hand or hand under hand, help with transporting residents to different areas, and lead our singing group.


I am applying next cycle and plan to list this as "Other health related experience" for now. Thanks.

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How you list any healthcare experience is completely up to you, just be sure to represent your duties appropriately. Not just by placing them in the correct category but also to list your exact responsibilities. 


Ultimately, each program will make the determination on what they will count as hands on, patient care experience because each program will have slightly different requirements. Even if you list something as 'other' or ' direct patient care' a program may decide it doesn't fit and place it in another category during their review. So where you place it is not as important as appropriately representing the actual duties of that experience. If it was mostly hands-on with patients then put in direct patient care. If not, place it elsewhere. 


Thank you,

Danielle Di Silvestro, Director Applicant & Student Services

Physician Assistant Education Association 

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