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Currently in PTA school, do i need a bachelors as well?

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Hi everyone i am new here. I have a few questions about applying to pa school.


1. I just got accepted to a physical therapist assistant program and i was wondering if after i graduated and got my hours in and pre req classes done if i still needed a bachelors degree to get into a pa program. I know it depends on each school but will it decrease my chances by a lot if i dont have a bachelors? Or will my associates in physical therapy, good grades, lots of hours, and pa shadowing be enough? If there are any former pta to pa students here that would be great.


2. Also do you think i should take the GRE even if a certain school doesnt require it? Will it increase my chances if i do have it or decrease my chances if i dont?


3. So there are now masters in pa and bachelors in pa. Do all masters programs require a bachelors prior to entering a masters? Thanks everyone

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1. Most PA programs now are masters and those do require a bachelors, regardless of how much experience you may have. 


2. I believe you need to have a bachelors (or are about to get one) in order to take the GRE . There is no advantage in taking it for schools that don't require it, but you may be artificially limiting the list of programs you could be applying to.


3. The masters PA programs do not require a PA bachelors; any reasonable bachelors with the appropriate prerequisites are required.

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Guest MedLib42

No, you don't necessarily need a Bachelors degree to get into a PA program, but you'll only have about 30 programs throughout the entire US to choose from if you don't have one, with the majority of these being on the east coast. This is because, as UGoLong said, most PA programs are Masters programs, and these do require a Bachelors (it can be in any field as long as prereqs are met).

Here's a link to the PAEA program directory, where you can search by degree requirements (links on the left - hit "Bachelors not required"). http://directory.paeaonline.org/


The GRE is a grad school admission test, so it will only be useful to, or required by, graduate PA programs. Schools that don't require the GRE won't look at or consider your GRE scores if you send them, so it would be a waste of time to take the GRE and send scores if you're only applying to non-GRE schools. However, if you're planning on getting your Bachelors and applying to Masters programs, definitely take the GRE, as many Masters programs require it. If you're applying to undergrad PA programs, don't bother.

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